Hello! My name is Narcissism.


A recent article addressed the narcissistic tendencies of today's culture.  It claims that we are raising a generation of narcissists.  The author of the article states there is "a study showing that the tendency toward narcissism in students is up 30 percent in the last thirty-odd years."  This is a secular organization publishing this.

You can read the full article here: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/01/08/are-raising-generation-deluded-narcissists/#ixzz2HYOhgIB3

I have said for many years that this 21st Century narcissistic attitude has crept into our worship.  I wrote on the topic in my doctoral dissertation.  Here is an excerpt:

"The main culprit in the development of worship issues within the church is the narcissistic tendencies of many 21st century Christians. In such cases, worship is no longer primarily about God and what he has done. There is a disregard of the incredible salvific act of the One true and Holy God and a denial of the fullness of God’s story. Instead, worship has been manipulated into being about us – what we like; what we want; what we feel we deserve. We have pushed Almighty, Sovereign God off the throne and have placed our own meager selves in his place. Our worship services reflect this narcissistic attitude when we do not remember the fullness of God’s story, either by choice or by training, and plan services with less than God's grand story as the foundation."

God's story is Creation - Incarnation - Recreation.  God created all that we see, and even that which we do not see; He became flesh and dwelt among us; and he has promised to return again at the end of time.  This is the story of God.  This, and only this, should be the foundation of our worship.  It's not about us or our preferences.  It is about God!