Worship Quest Academy is a five-week hybrid online and in-person training and mentoring program that helps you grow in worship leadership and pastoral ministry as you shepherd the local church.

In Partnership with . . .


The cohort community will meet together once per week online for four weeks, and gather together in-person for a seminar with all participants and faculty for the conclusion of the program (week 5).

During each of the weekly cohort Zoom meetings, the cohort will discuss what they have learned from the video teachings and hear from a faculty member about their perspectives on the topic.

The in-person seminar at the conclusion of the academy will feature sessions with faculty members, as well as time for rest and fellowship with the other church leaders participating in the cohort. [** we encourage everyone to join us in-person but will provide the option to join remotely]


Students will receive a “Certificate In Worship Leadership” upon completion of the program.



(includes lunch and materials at in-person seminar)



  • 5 online topics (pre-recorded videos taught by Dr. Steven Brooks)

    Click here to view courses

  • 4 online Zoom group sessions with WQA Faculty

  • In–Person Seminar

  • Mentoring opportunities

  • A “Certificate In Worship Leadership” from Worship Quest Academy will be given upon completion


MAY 5 – JUNE 7, 2025

Zoom Sessions

  • May 7: Dr. Ron Man l Author of Let Us Draw Near

  • May 14: Dr. Jeremy Perigo l Professor of Theology and Worship l Dordt University

  • May 21: Dr. Jim Altizer l Author of The Making of A Worship Leader

  • May 28: Dr. Chris Monroe l Professor of Worship and Theology l Promise University

In-Person Seminar

  • Saturday, June 7

  • Kairos Pacific University l Tustin, California

    • 2681 Walnut Ave, Tustin, CA 92780

**Participants are encouraged to attend in-person. An online option will be available for those outside of Southern California


Student expectations include completing one topic per week, weekly engagement in online (Zoom) group sessions, participate in mentoring opportunities, reading assigned books and articles, and completing written course reflections.

Group Sessions are interactive and online via Zoom, therefore a computer or a smartphone is required for participation.

Everyone from the cohort is expected to attend the Zoom meetings and are highly encouraged to attend the in-person seminar.

If you are unable to attend the full 5-week Academy, we invite you to register for the Worship Quest Seminar on Saturday, June 7 from 9:00am-4:00pm in Southern California.

Note: You must attend the 5-week Worship Quest Academy to receive the Certificate In Worship Leadership.