Worship Quest Academy is a five-month hybrid online and in-person community that helps you grow in worship leadership and pastoral ministry as you shepherd the local church.
کی طرف سے سپانسر
The cohort community will meet together once per month online for five months, and gather together in-person for a retreat with all participants and faculty for the conclusion of the program.
During each of the monthly cohort Zoom meetings, the cohort will discuss what they have learned from the video teachings and hear from a faculty member about their perspectives on the topic.
The in-person retreat at the conclusion of the academy will feature sessions with faculty members, as well as time for rest and fellowship with the other church leaders participating in the cohort. Cohort members will receive a “Certificate In Worship Leadership” upon completion of the program.
Cost: 10,000 PKR
(This is after a $200 scholarship!)
نئی جماعت مئی میں شروع ہوتی ہے۔
5 online courses (pre-recorded videos taught by Dr. Steven Brooks)
5 online Zoom group sessions with Dr. Steven Brooks and WQA Faculty
Mentoring opportunities with a mentor
A FREE copy of Worship Quest: An Exploration of Worship Leadership
Email encouragement from Dr. Steven Brooks and special guests
A “Certificate In Worship Leadership” from Worship Quest Academy will be given upon completion
Student expectations include completing one course per month, monthly engagement in online (Zoom) group sessions, monthly mentoring meetings, reading assigned books and articles, and completing written course reflections.
Group Sessions are interactive and online via Zoom, therefore a computer or a smartphone is required for participation.
Everyone from the cohort is expected to attend the Zoom meetings and in-person retreat.
All students are required to attend the monthly Zoom meetings.
Zoom Meeting dates and times TBD.
Worship Quest Academy retreat – March 2023