Help Me Trust You Today


I ran across this quote today from Dr. Timothy Keller​:

Worry is not believing God will get it right, and bitterness is believing God got it wrong.

Man, does that quote challenge me right now.  God has been taking me (and my family) on a journey​ this year.  It's a journey that has had its share of worry, anxiety, sleepless nights, anger, bitterness; peace, joy, humility . . . As you can see, it's been an emotional roller coaster for us.  Needless to say, this quote hits hard and penetrates deep into my soul.

Over the past eight months I have struggled with worry about the future.  Do I not trust God to get it right?​  

Over the past eight months I have struggled with​ bitterness and anger toward a situation where I, and my family, were wronged.  Do I not trust that God has a plan and can heal?

The answer to both of these questions is - of course I trust God (that's where the peace and joy​ come in from the list above).  I know God has a beautiful plan for me and my family.  I know it is a perfect plan designed for us from the beginning of time.  My responsibility right now is to stay focused on God.

​I want to share with you a prayer that I have prayed every day for the past eight months.  I hope it encourages you as it has me:

"Lord, I trust you; help me trust you today.​"

I will continue to pray that prayer as I continue on this journey​ God has me on.  It makes me think of that late 19th century hymn: Trust and obey, for there's no other way; to be happy in Jesus; than to trust and obey.