What Is Holy Week?

HOLY WEEK is the last full week of Lent and begins with Palm or Passion Sunday, the Sunday before Easter Sunday, and concludes on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter.

Jesus' ministry began just as the prophet Isaiah had written many years before:

"Look, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, and he will prepare your way. He is a voice shouting in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way for the Lord's coming! Clear the road for him!'" Mark 1:1-3

One week before his crucifixion and glorious resurrection, Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey, once again fulfilling prophecy (Zech 9:9), to the shouts of the people,

“Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” Matt 21:1-11

When the time for Passover came, Jesus sent two of his disciples, Peter and John, to make preparations for the meal. That night as He ate with the disciples, the One whose body would be broken for them, whose blood would be poured out to cover their sins, offered them the bread and wine. Though He knew He would die for them the next day, Jesus celebrated because the Father had provided deliverance and salvation the way He always does.

And then the cross—it is arguably the most recognized symbol in history. Before Jesus died, its very mention brought to mind images of punishment and torture and death. But ever since that day, the cross has said one thing: God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son. Whoever believes in Him, will have eternal life.

When Jesus was crucified on the cross, it all seemed to be over. Hope had died. At least that's what everyone thought. But God had something else in mind . . . Sunday dawned. The women coming to the tomb found the stone rolled away. They were confronted by two men in dazzling clothes who said, "Why are you looking for the living among the dead? He is not here. He is risen!"

The entire life of Jesus was a prelude to the events and teachings during his final week. All that Jesus did during his life led to this moment. One half of all four Gospel accounts focus on the final week of Jesus’s ministry. If this week was so important to the Gospel writers, should we not consider its importance for our own lives today? By reflecting upon the events of Holy Week, we gain a greater understanding of the mission of Jesus.

Certain days within Holy Week have specific names, while others simply include the prefix “holy” to signify that it is the individual day that falls during Holy Week.

  • Palm/Passion Sunday—Jesus entered Jerusalem accompanied by the praise of the crowd.

  • Holy Monday—Jesus cleared the temple.

  • Holy Tuesday—Jesus’s authority was questioned.

  • Holy Wednesday—Jesus continued to teach in the temple and Judas agreed to betray Jesus.

  • Maundy Thursday—Jesus celebrated Passover with his disciples.

  • Good Friday—Jesus was put to death.

  • Holy Saturday—The body of Jesus laid in the grave; and the disciples hid in fear.

Holy Week leads us to the beginning of the Easter season when we celebrate Christ risen . . . He is risen indeed!

For more on Holy Week, see The Week That Changed The World: Daily Reflections For Holy Week.