Worship Reflections – "Jireh"

WORSHIP REFLECTIONS are weekly devotionals based on worship songs/hymns. Our hope is that this content encourages your love and adoration of Christ Jesus as you grow in closer communion with Him through personal worship.

Michael Kisaka, Lead Outreach Pastor at ONE&ALL Church, presents this worship song devotional based on the Elevation Worship and Maverick City song, "Jireh".

One of the songs that has spoken to me, and many this season, is “Jireh” by Elevation Worship and Maverick City. The chorus says this, “You are Jireh, You are enough. Jireh, You are enough. I will be content in every circumstance. You are Jireh, You are enough.”

I would like to look at this from another perspective. Did you know that the command to give thanks is given more than that to pray or to repent? I find that interesting. Another thought is, why is generosity so hard for a lot of people within the church? From the very beginning, gratitude is a very important attitude to God. I mean, you can ask Cain. Gratitude to God comes from fully believing that no matter what the situation, God is good and has your best interest. If there is any doubt in your mind that God always and truly has your back, you will always struggle with grumbling.

Psalm 136:1 says, “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever.” The Psalmist commands you and I to bring a sacrifice of thanksgiving to God. Not because God does good things, but but because God is good. Having a grateful heart is grounded in believing in God’s character, that He is good. Gratitude shows contentment in your heart.

The Apostle Paul says it this way, “I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty, but have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation. Whether well fed or hungry; whether living in plenty or in want; I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4. For Paul, his circumstances did not dictate whether or not he was grateful. His gratitude was grounded in who God is, first. This gave him contentment, which I would translate as peace. “Jireh, You are enough. I will be content in every circumstance. Jireh, You are enough.”

The word Jireh in Hebrew means “God is my Provider.” This attitude allowed Paul to be extremely generous. Not only with his resources, but with his time. He dedicated himself to serve God with all he had, including his life.

So, I would suggest that a grateful attitude leads to a peaceful heart. And a peaceful heart grounded in God’s goodness out loves, out gives, out worships. Well, can you really out do any of that? So here are a few questions:

What brings you the most anxiety or restlessness? How will you inject gratitude into this situation to help? What would it mean for you to be content?

Prayerfully listen to the song “Jireh” by Elevation and Maverick City. Pray and ask God for Paul’s attitude in your life.

— Michael Kisaka, Lead Outreach Pastor, ONE&ALL Church