Worship Training in Ukraine 2021

Our Founder & Director Steven Brooks will be traveling to Kyiv, Ukraine on April 30, participating in ministry there until May 17. He will be teaching at the Music in Worship Conference and at Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary (UETS).

The theme for the conference this year is . . . When the Music Fades.

After more than a year of global upheaval due to Covid-19, regulations have loosened a bit to allow this conference to happen. Over the past month, a great team in Ukraine and the U.S. have been pulling things together, which would normally take 6 months to do. The conference will be offered in-person and online. And in this season, as you know, things do change regularly, so we still have to be ready to shift at a moment's notice.

The theme of the conference comes from worship leader Matt Redman’s song, “The Heart of Worship.” The first few lines are:

"When the music fades, all is stripped away, and I simply come."

Many have experienced this first hand, especially over the past year, when public meetings were not able to take place. When our routine of corporate worship is forced to change, and we are unable to meet in person like we normally do, where does that leave our worship? When there is so much hurt and uneasiness in our world, how do push through and still worship the Lord?

These are the kind of questions we will address at the conference, as well as continue to teach skill and practical issues.

Our mission statement at Worship Quest Ministries of training worship leaders and helping the church move toward worship renewal and spiritual formation does not change even in hard times. In fact, it may be enhanced during such times as this and so we are anticipating great things from God.

Please be praying for the conference, the teaching at the seminaries that we will be participating in over the course of the trip, health, and safety. Thank you.


Music in Worship 2021

Dr. Steven Brooks will be teaching the following sessions at the Music in Worship 2021 conference:

“Press On: Persistent Faith”

“God’s Dramatic Word: Presenting Scripture in Worship”