Holy Week


This Sunday begins the last week of Lent, called Holy Week, and the final stretch toward Easter.  In history, Holy Week begins with Jesus riding into Jerusalem being praised as king and ends with his earthly body lying in a grave.  How do we go from unrestrained praise, to death and mourning, in such a short period of time?  This is a peculiar week.  This is a heart-wrenching week.  This is a week we should never forget.  It is a week that leads to the most important event in the history of the world - the resurrection of Jesus, our Redeemer and King!

During this next week, beginning on Palm Sunday, I will be posting daily reflections following the journey of Jesus as he walks through this last week of his pre-resurrected earthly life.  Theologians have debated the chronological order of the events of Monday - Wednesday, with differences of opinion on which day certain events occurred.  I will simply follow the most widely accepted order for the steps that Jesus took between the triumphal entrance into Jerusalem and his burial in the tomb belonging to Joseph of Arimathea.

Here is a brief preview of what is to come:

Palm/Passion Sunday: Jesus rides into Jerusalem to the cheers of the crowd.
Monday: Jesus clears the temple; returns to Bethany.
Tuesday: Jesus returns to Jerusalem where his authority is questioned.
Wednesday: Jesus continues to teach in the temple; Judas sells out.
Maundy Thursday: Jesus celebrates Passover with his disciples.
Good Friday: Jesus is put to death.
Easter Saturday: Jesus' earthly body lays in the grave; the disciples are hiding in fear.
**Easter Sunday: begins the Easter season as we rejoice with exceeding great joy - Christ has risen!!!



Follow along with me, if you will.  Let's journey together as Jesus leads us from death to new life.