A Not So Modern Family


Although the world is done with Christmas, the Church has traditionally celebrated the season of Christmas through January 5th.  The Sunday following the birth of Jesus (December 29, 2013) is celebrated as a day to remember that Jesus was born into an earthly family - Mary his mother and Joseph his step-father.

Scripture tells us practically nothing about the early years of Jesus' life.  All we know is that their was a journey to Egypt, an eventual return to Nazareth, and an incident of a twelve-year old boy in the temple in Jerusalem.  Although not much is revealed in Scripture of these boyhood years, it can be assumed that Jesus had a loving and supportive family.  After all, God chose these people to raise his only begotten Son.

In today's age of questionable morality, a focus on the "holy family" may not be a bad idea.  Unlike most interpretations of family we find on TV today, the holy family is a wonderful example for us.  This is a family that dealt with frustration, financial struggles, and even a "lost" child.  This was an ordinary family, just like most of ours.  And yet, this was a most unordinary family.  I mean, come on, Jesus was part of their family, so how ordinary could it have been?  Nevertheless, Mary and Joseph exemplified what it means to trust in God and keep eyes focused on him.  May more families today be like this ordinary, normal, "holy" family.


About the Art:

This stained glass window can be found in St. Edward's Church in Seattle, Washington.  This depiction shows Jesus, his mother Mary and her husband Joseph on their flight to Egypt.


About the Song:

Still Her Little Child takes the listener on a journey through Christ's life, from the perspective of Mary. Every parent can relate to the fact that no matter what their child goes through or how others perceive them, they are still their little boy or girl. The same had to be true for Mary.

Still Her Little Child lyrics:

When she laid him in a manger
He was still her little child
In a city filled with strangers
He was still her little child
Though the inn was full
And the night was cold
She held Him close and smiled
When she laid Him in a manger
He was still her little child

When the angels called Him Savior
He was still her little child
When the wise men gave Him treasures
He was still her little child
When the shepherds bowed before Him
A star shone all the while
When the angels called Him Savior
He was still her little child

When He grew in strength and wisdom
He was still her little child
When He spoke the people listened
He was still her little child
When He healed the lame and dying
They would follow Him for miles
And when he grew
In strength and wisdom
He was still her little child

When the people turned against Him
He was still her little child
When they shouted crucify Him
He was still her little child
And when they nailed Him
To a wooden cross
Then we were reconciled
When she held His broken body
He was still her little child
He was still her little child

Words and Music by Ray Boltz and Steve Millikan