Simply Worship


Did you know that the Bible contains no less than six hundred references to worship?  Did you know that at least eighty-seven different Hebrew and Greek words are used in the pages of Scripture to describe praise and worship?  Worship can be found all throughout the Bible, interwoven into the fabric of every story.

When you think of the word WORSHIP, what do you think of?  Music?  A Sunday morning church service?  If that is your definition of worship you would be right…and wrong.  Yes, music can be worship and our church services are filled with worship, but that’s not all worship is.  Worship is, and should be, so much more.  Worship is our response to all the things God has done and is doing.  This means that worship can happen all throughout your day.  It’s not just a moment in time or a specific item such as music.  Worship should be all the time – a continuous aspect of our lives.

I once heard this wonderful definition of worship by Robert Schaper: “Worship is the expression of a relationship in which God the Father reveals himself and his love in Christ, and by His Holy Spirit administers grace to which we respond in faith, gratitude and obedience.”  First, notice that in our worship, God desires to have a relationship with us.  He loves for us to be in his presence.  Next, what is this revelation and response Schaper talks about?  Revelation is the word of God proclaimed to the Christian community; an intentional presentation of the truth about the Triune God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) and God’s relationship with God’s people.  Response is the reply of God’s people to the truth proclaimed; a prepared or spontaneous opportunity for the worshipers to answer, reply, or react.  Our worship should be a response to what God has done, is doing and will do in our lives.  Did you receive a special blessing from God this week?  Your ‘thank you’ to God was worship.  Did you sense God’s presence in a worship service this past Sunday?  Your response of lifting your hands and singing along with the songs was worship.  Did you learn something new about God during your devotions yesterday?  As you sat in awe of this new revelation, that was worship.

How will you respond to God today?  How will you worship today?